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Call For A Free Assessment Of Your Needs - (657) 571-1241

Guardianship NominationWhy Should You Nominate A Guardian?

Guardianship is a difficult conversation to have but necessary nonetheless. If you become incapacitated, you want someone to have custody of your children and their inheritance before they come of age. 

A guardian plays a crucial role if you have minor children. If you don’t have one in place, the court could appoint a guardian for them and or put them into the foster care system, leaving the choice of guardianship to other entities like the courts or your family may not be the best choice. 

Instead, you can nominate a guardian and an alternate guardian so you can rest assured that if anything happens to you and the other parents, your children are left in capable hands that you are confident in because your decision for the children is better than that which the court may make for you. 

Luckily, you don’t have to make this decision or go through the process of nominating a guardian alone. At the Law Office of Rebecca Sommer, we can help you with the guardian nomination process and ensure that your wishes are captured by the court and made binding. 

Using Our Legal Experience And Your Love For Family To Achieve The Best Results

The guardianship nomination process is a closely monitored court process. In many cases, the court will go with your option, but only if they are satisfied with your choice. This is why you need to have an experienced guardianship nomination lawyer to guide you through the process and to ensure your filings meet the requirements of the court. 

At The Law Office of Rebecca Sommer, we have been supporting our clients in various family matters, including guardianship nomination, to ensure their wishes are honored in Anaheim, CA, even after they are gone. This is the same thing we will do for you. 

What Are The Different Types Of Guardianship Nominations?

One of the functions of having a guardianship lawyer is to help you determine the right type of guardianship that works for you. This is crucial because each type has different functions and roles, as explained below: 

  • General Guardianship:
    General guardians have control over everything as stipulated by the law. They manage your property and persons within the estate. General guardianships have the most power and make the most decisions in your absence or when you’re incapacitated. 
  • Limited Guardianship:
    This type of guardian only practices limited power over the property or the person in the ward. The limitations of this guardianship can be set out in your application. For instance, you can opt to have a financial guardian or a personal guardian handle finances. 
  • Special Guardianship:
    Special guardianship nominations are mainly reserved for emergency situations. Typically, most special guardianships only last for a short time, no more than thirty days. 

Although guardianships are necessary and can be helpful in the right circumstances, there is the risk of financial exploitation. With an experienced guardianship litigation lawyer, you’re assured that any action taken will be the benefit of the beneficiary or the ward. 

Besides helping you choose the guardian, the attorney will also explain the roles and responsibilities to the selected guardian and ensure that they are capable and willing to step into the role. 

The Law Office Of Rebecca Sommer: Helping You Plan For The Future

It’s the duty of the court to ensure that guardianship is necessary and the proposed guardian is capable of executing their duty. As a result, the process can be complicated and lengthy. That is why you need a compassionate and aggressive lawyer who understands you but relentlessly pushes for your interests. 

The Law Office Of Rebecca Sommer has guardianship lawyers near me who will help you with this process. We also have a special needs guardianship attorney if your needs are short notice. Our dedication to providing personalized services to our clients in Anaheim, CA, ensures you get the best service and outcome every time. Call us today at (657) 571-1241 to plan your family’s future. 

Rebecca Sommer, Esq.

Call For A Free Assessment Of Your Needs - (657) 571-1241

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